Trendy Tripping is fast becoming the must-attend event for creative discussion and forward-thinking brainstorming on the New York calendar. Where else do skilled multimedia experts, chefs, filmmakers and gifted creative icons meet and network with financial planners, social media experts, students, artists and writers for an explosion of networking, heated discussion and diverse creativity?
This free event will be the first TrendyTripping meeting of 2014, and the guest speaker lineup is unprecedented. This event’s guest speakers include Suha Araj, noted writer, director, of Khasara Club. Suha’s work has often focused on the displacement of immigrants and in places where cultures meet and interact – often in unexpected and humorous ways.
Michele Lynne is a Brooklyn financial planner and researcher with a background in biology and wildlife conservation involved in scientific research projects all around the globe. Now she focuses on helping businesses and families adopt prudent financial planning.
Joining them is filmmaker and journalist Sarah M. Kazadi. Sarah’s work has been featured on Newsweek, and her reports and documentary films have notably covered developments in Brazil and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Not one to be pigeon-holed, Sarah’s latest work uses a mix of poetry and dance to tell a love story.
Finally, we will also her from businessman Archer Sugur, founder of A.I.M LLC and expert in organic food, and property development. Archer’s wide-ranging interests and skills complement TrendyTripping’s all-encompassing ideals perfectly.
This event is going to be a fantastic mix of creatives from a wide range of disciplines. Join TrendyTripping on Tuesday 16th September at 5:30 at the Roger Smith Hotel, 501 Lexington Avenue, New York. The event is free, and will continue till 8:00pm, with the main panel discussion kicking off at 6:00pm. (Twitter: @Trendytripping)